What is the solution?

Initially, the project aims to save finishing times and assist in finishing forms and online job applications.

What are the benefits?

Our promise is to help internship / job seekers finish forms and online job applications simple, speedy and smart.

What inspired you to make this?

"Necessity is not the mother of invention. In my opinion, refusing to accept things the way that they are, is the mother of invention."  

Les Brown 

Who are you?

My name is Luis. Currently, I aspire to make something useful people want. In this journey I've built up knowledge on applied creativity to: communications and public speaking, design thinking, customer experience, branding, product development, marketing and sales. Besides this, I volunteer as a job coach for Powercoders and as a communication and marketing assistant to Lauzhack.

What is your vision?

I have a vision that someday jobs will look for us. However, never stop seeking.